The High Commissioner on Child Poverty has brought together representatives of Member States, ministers, US congressmen and women, representatives of European institutions (European Parliament and European Commission), representatives of civil society and experts in San Sebastian at an event within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union to promote greater commitment to school canteen policy at EU level.

The event, entitled Ensuring healthy food for children in the European Union. Towards a greater commitment to the provision of school canteens beyond the European Child Guarantee, consisted of a conference open to the public in the morning and a meeting of representatives of Member States in the afternoon at which the High Commissioner against Child Poverty will present a declaration to advance the development of this policy based on the commitments made by the Member States in the framework of the European Child Guarantee. At the end of the meeting, the High Commissioner for Child Poverty, Ernesto Gasco, read out the San Sebastian Declaration, which includes the day’s deliberations and a proposed roadmap to guarantee healthy food for children in the European Union.
