Aretoa: Varias Salas

Sustatzailea: Max Planck

The Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter in Hamburg and the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz together with the Columbia University and the Center for Computational Quantum Physics at the Flatiron Institute have successfully launched a joint enterprise: the “Max Planck-New York City Center for Non-Equilibrium Quantum Phenomena”. The center was officially inaugurated by all four partner organizations on November 18, 2019 at Columbia University, USA.

The Center’s ambitious collaborative effort aims to understand, control, and manipulate the uniquely useful properties of quantum materials and the control of non-equilibrium quantum phenomena in complex materials. We especially focus on applications of non-linear light-matter coupling that result in phases with no equilibrium counterparts i.e. strong coupling of light and matter; dynamical control of materials properties and chemical reactions; design of photo-susceptible materials.

In 2024 and to commemorate the finalization of the first funding period of the center, we are organizing a Big Ideas workshop on the future of Light, Spectroscopy, and Quantum Materials.

Provide a platform to facilitate discussion among members and collaborators of the center on the topic of manipulation of light, materials, and advances in quantum optics in the new era of Quantum Science

Público objetivo al que está dirigida la actividad
Colaboradores del centro

Validez académica:

40 horas ( ECTS)
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